Sunday, March 15, 2009

Treat your clients like a dog

I loved this conversation. It is especially appropriate for clients, but go ahead and substitute for "client"... child, spouse, co-worker, boss, friend, etc -- you get the message. Respect and affection make all your relationships go better.

"Let me describe to you what a proper customer-focused attitude is. First, you love the customer, no matter how smelly, stupid, or demented he, she, or they might be. They are your customer. You venerate them. You know that without them, there would be nothing left of you. You dream of new ways to please him, her, or them. Second, when there is a problem with your customer, you are not filled with resentment. You wrack your brains day and night to think of new ways to solve the problem. Finally, you search within yourself constantly to find pockets of anger, condescension, and negativity toward your beloved client. You root them out and replace them with respect and affection.
"The way you feel about your client should not be all that different than the way you feel about your dog."

How to Suck up to Stupid Clients BNET Feb 17, 2009

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